Is your skin ready to face the sun's rays?

When the sun starts to show up in the spring, I know it, we all want to get tanned as soon as possible! But we must not forget that the skin has just spent several months under the thick layers of clothing. She therefore needs to breathe and receive some care before your first summer tanning sessions! 

Stock up on vitamins

I don't know if I'm the only one, but when spring arrives, I just want something fresh on my plate! And that's good, because the foods we eat can help our skin prepare for the summer.


Brighten up your plate by eating orange-colored fruits and vegetables that are high in beta-carotene, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, squash, apricots and why not sea buckthorn, which grows here in Quebec!


Add nuts to your plate that are rich in vitamin E, such as hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and vegetable oils like canola oil and olive oil.

Include seaweed in your diet! Seaweed is rich in minerals and trace elements, it is protein and full of vitamins. You can find them in the form of flakes, as our seaweed supplier Oceans of Flavors offers, which are easier to incorporate into your existing recipes!

Algues kombu provenant de la Gaspésie

And don't forget to just eat well! A varied diet remains key to being healthy and filling up with all the nutrients that contribute to maintaining healthy skin.

Gradually accustom your skin

If you are a gardening enthusiast like me, you know how important it is to gradually acclimatize your young vegetable plants outdoors to avoid burning the leaves that are not used to the intensity of the sun! We often forget, but the skin that has just spent several months hidden under coats and jeans also needs some time to adapt! During the first sunny days, I advise you to opt for light clothing that still covers the arms and legs. And if the temptation of the mini skirt is too strong, don't forget to apply a good sunscreen!

Exfoliate + hydrate

Temperature changes dry out and sensitize the skin. That's why remove dead skin using a good scrub like our mineral body scrub is essential to help the skin regenerate naturally. Rough or dull skin is often a sign that the epidermis needs a makeover. For an optimal beauty routine, I advise you to use our Cleansing Cleansing Bar daily and exfoliate once a week, followed by our moisturizer and maple syrup, which will deeply hydrate your skin.  

Gommage hydratant pour la peau

Hydrate... Yes yes, still hydrate!

I can't repeat it enough, staying hydrated remains one of the essential tips for keeping skin supple and resilient in the sun. We stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and to help us reach our goals, we vary the beverages! Personally, I like to prepare at home and for work bottles of sparkling water to which I add fresh or frozen fruit. If you have naturally flavored tea bags and herbal teas, you can also cold infuse them in your water bottle for a change!

Here are the products I offer







  Happy spring beautiful! xx


Founder of the Les Pétards
